Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Def. Inheritance - The practice of passing on property, titles, debts, rights, and obligations upon the death of an individual

This quick little study on inheritance brought me an aha moment. Its been known to me: yes, I am a child of God; yes, I have been adopted into his kinship; yes, I will inherit all he has to give me; yes, he came to earth, died on the cross for my sins. But something about really focusing on His Words along the definition of the word really opened my eyes. 

Deut 4:20 The Lord brought his people out of Egypt to be the people of his own inheritance
Ps 16:6 I have a beautiful inheritance
Prov 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children
Eccl 7:11 Wisdom is good w/ and inhertance
Ezk 44:28 "I am their inheritance" (God)
Gal 3:18 If the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by promise
Eph 1:11 In him we have obtained an inheritance
Col 1:12 Give thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light
Col 3: 24 Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ
Heb 9:15 Therefore, he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covantant
1 Pt 1:4 An inheritance that is imperishable undefiled and unfading, kept in Heaven for you. 

In order for me to inherit my parents' belongings, they would have to die first. They can give me what ever they want while they are alive but I cannot actually inherit anything from them until they pass.  In order for God to give me an inheritance from him, he would have to die - hence his sacrifice on the cross. Only because he was willing to come and die for me, am I able to receive an inheritance from him. Without the death on the cross, without a death at all, an inheritance wouldn't exist because it can only be given after a death. The inheritance he keeps and protects in Heaven - Himself - HE IS MY INHERITANCE - my eternity to spend with and to know him!

God's Presence

Life can feel so busy at times, even as a stay at home mom it can be difficult to have the quality time one on one with God that you need. Between the dishes, the laundry, the child's needs and my own needs. During worship service at church I can feel his presence pretty heavily and it is an extremely emotional moment for me. I feel like I have no control over my emotions or my tears and they come down like waterfalls.

Back in the September/October time frame of last year, I started teaching Sunday school. It kept getting put in front of me so I took that as God communicating to me that he wanted me there. I hesitated because I wasn't really sure if I wanted to leave the services since I love listening to our pastor and having the fellowship. Well of course when God wants you to do something he takes away all the "problems" that are stopping you: the sermons got put on the internet so I could listen to them and more fellowship opportunities kept presenting themselves to me... now to the point that I'm probably overly involved. So I called the Sunday School organizer and told them I would be interested in helping out. My options were kindergarten or second grade. I chose second grade as my nephew was a kindergartner, I figured that would be the better option.

I was really nervous going in since I didn't have a lot of experience with children that are seven/eight years old. Then as I was waiting to get started and as I realized that most of my class was boys... that's where I really got nervous since I had zero experience with boys at all. So I prayed for God to calm my nerves and to take over. Then I watched something that was so simple but it was still quite amazing to me. I watched as another sunday school teacher had to talk one of the children into wanting to stay and that moment really pulled at my heart. Imagine the trust that little child had in this stranger, but in order for that child to have that kind of trust the woman would have had to express love in her face tot the child. I remember thinking, one day I'm going to have to do that. Now as one that wasn't too experienced with children that aren't teenagers nor infants, I was a little intimidated at that thought.

Last Sunday, another teacher came up to my side asked me what grade I taught and I told her I was the second grade teacher. She told me that we have a second grader over hear can you help us out. So I went up to the little girl and as I noticed the tears streaming down her face I felt it instantly. God knew that I was nervous about this situation and I felt him completely take over. I asked her what her name was and she told me. I told her that was a very beautiful name. I told her my name. Then I stretched out my hand and asked her if she would like to come sing some songs with us. She nodded and took my hand. As I stood to lead her into the worship area, it was all I could to keep myself together.  The tears had welled up into my eyes and were begging to come down.

The rest of the time during sunday school, I felt like a completely different person. Normally, I try to keep as much structure as I can and don't let them get away with to much. Instead, this time, I didn't find myself feeling insecure about how they were acting, if they were understanding the lesson completely. I just fell in tune with them enjoying every ounce of their craving for the knowledge of Christ that was being given to them through me. I watched as a couple of them flipped through their bibles eager to be the first one to the passage. All I could do was watch them and enjoy the innocence they were shining.

Thank you Lord for pushing me into this position I really do enjoy every minute of being in that room with those children.